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"Donate Just $10 a Month Can Help To Save The Life of A Dog or Cat Today..."

If animals could speak. You would be moved to tears by their stories.
Hi, I’m Sandy, located in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

In Malaysia, it is common to see animals wandering in the street. My team and I have seen far too many pets abandoned when they become sick, old or pregnant. We’ve even seen cats and dogs cast aside before they are old enough to even open their eyes.

This is why we started 10 for Strays Drive. Our mission is to protect animals from being abandoned or thrown away like trash. But we can only do this with your continued support. Many cats and dogs are abandoned because neutering fees are very expensive. Their owners simply can’t afford the surgery, or don’t want to spend that much money on an animal that is “just a pet”. If they don’t starve or succumb to the elements, they are often hit by cars. If they are caught by the authorities, they are euthanized simply for being a stray.

With your help, we can save these animals by giving them another chance at life, and preventing many others from ever being abandoned in the first place. We are only asking for $10 a month to support our cause. That averages out to just 33cents a day. Only 33 cents. Your cup of coffee costs at least $2 each.

We need the help of generous animal-lovers just like you to achieve our mission.  For just $10 a month, you can save the lives of these abandoned cats and dogs. All donations are used to spay/neuter animals, vaccinate them against rabies, administer other core vaccines, and provide life-saving surgeries for our most extreme cases.

These strays do not deserve to die alone and in pain on the street.  They deserve the chance to be happy, healthy and placed in homes where they can spend the rest of their life being loved and cared for.

 We are only asking for a minimum of at least $10 to help us spear head our cause.

If you are reading this, I really hope you can help us by donating at least $10 a month so we can neuter, vaccinate and operate on our rescued animals.  There are many pets already lined up and ready to receive your generous donation—and another chance at life.

Saving Lives, One at a Time!

For the homeowners who cannot really afford to vaccinate their pets, all they have to do is just pay $50 onwards and we will use the donation money to cover the rest. The more people who come in to help, the more animals we are able to help.

Thank You

Watch our Interview on TVS Prime Time News

Your help is urgently needed.

You can select to give a one-time gift, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months in advance in any of the listed currencies.

We aim to neuter and vaccinate dogs and/or cats before they are being abandoned. This can only be done with your generous donations. photos below are just some of the cases that we have worked on.





USD 3600

Italia Elena
(Landing Page Design)

These are the dogs that still need our help!!!

Click below for more videos


I fully support the 10ForStrays initiative because there are just too many abandoned pets that later became strays in the street. Without being neutered, these animals just breed and later, their puppies will either become strays, carry diseases or get run over by car when they just run around the area. People will report to council and they will just catch these innocent animals to be euthanised.
Wilson Mike
I'm here because I fully support and agree on the 10forStrays Drive. Why? Neutering is the most crucial and must-do when it comes to pets! Well it helps to control their breeding and also to keep less number of strays in the street. "Just because they have no way to go,it doesnt mean they are worthless! And since they couldnt speak for themselves, WE ARE THEIR VOICE. Help and donate for strays, Help, because by doing good deeds, it will cme back to you one day!
Elsa Priscilla
10forStrays is one such noble initiative to help the lovelies out there who can't speak for themselves, but are silently pleading for help to them reduce their sufferings. Strays only exist because of irresponsible humans, yet the strays are the ones that end up suffering pain, hunger, fear, abuse, and more pain, merely for being strays. It takes time to change people's mindset, but we can start small by sacrificing our regular meals - just 1 or 2 - per month, to help fund together the cost of neutering the strays (even pets whose owners need financial aid) to reduce stray population. Wish more will join the cause, make a difference!
I support 10ForStrays because every animal living on the street deserves a happy, healthy and loving existence. My family has rescued so many dogs from owners who got rid of them. We have even rescued a beautiful dog from the South Korean meat trade. I have witnessed firsthand that when you show kindness and compassion for these animals, you are giving them another chance at life. I donate every month to 10ForStrays knowing that every dog they rescue, neuter/spay, vaccinate and perform life-saving surgeries on will have a future where they will become someone’s beloved pet. I’ve already seen so many dogs saved and I know that with more monthly donations, we can really begin to address the problem of abandoned strays in Malaysia.



10 For Strays Society Kuching is a Registered Non-Profit Organisation in Malaysia.

Registrar of Societies (ROS) Number: PPM-019-13-17052024

Formally registered on 17 May 2024 and has been running since 2021.

How to help: DONATE

Email: ask@10forstrays.com

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